International Rheinberger Competition for Organ

2022 | Vaduz, Principality of Liechtenstein

Metzler Organ - Gams

Parish Church of St. Michael, Gams / Switzerland
op. 565, built in 1990 by Metzler Orgelbau
36 stops


II. Hauptwerk (C – g''')
 1. Bourdon 16'
 2. Principal 8'
 3. Holzflöte 8'
 4. Gamba 8'
 5. Octave 4'
 6. Spitzflöte 4'
 7. Octave 2'
 8. Cornett 3fach (ab co)
 9. Mixtur 4-6fach 1 1/3'
10. Fagott 16'
11. Trompete 8'
III. Schwellwerk (C – g''')
 1. Violprincipal 8'
 2. Bourdon 8'
 3. Salicional 8'
 4. Suavial (schwebend ab co) 8'
 5. Principal 4'
 6. Nasard 2/3'
 7. Waldflöte 2'
 8. Mixtur 4fach 2'
 9. Trompette 8'
10. Oboe 8'
I. Brustpositiv (C – g''')
 1. Gedackt 8'
 2. Quintadena 8'
 3. Principal 4'
 4. Rohrflöte 4'
 5. Octave 2'
 6. Sesquialtera 2fach
 7. Scharff 3fach 1'
 8. Dulcian 8'
P. Pedalwerk (C – f')
 1. Principal 16'
 2. Subbass 16'
 3. Octavbass 8'
 4. Octave 4'
 5. Mixtur 4fach
 6. Posaune 16'
 7. Trompete 8'


for positive and swell

Mechanical tracker and stop action